
2 min read

A top-class premium phono stage with generous features and superb sound

Musical Fidelity

The MX's design promises low noise levels and improved dynamics £749

This is not the kind of product that makes any sense if your turntable isn’t spot-on. You simply won’t hear just how good the MX-VYNL is without a suitably detailed and transparent source. Think the likes of Vertere DG1S/Magneto MM (£3950) – but we would be happy to keep using it for decks that cost a few thousand more than that. This little box really is that good.

The MX-VYNL is beautifully made. It feels solid and features a smartly machined front panel with positive-feeling controls. As befits a product at this level, there is provision to alter cartridge loading to optimise performance. Musical Fidelity uses a rather elegant control dial to switch between moving-coil and moving-magnet inputs and their different loading requirements. There are five different capacitance settings for moving magnet and no fewer than nine impedance values for moving coil.

There’s also added flexibility via a gain switch that increases sensitivity for lower-output cartridges (of either type), should you need it. You can also swap between RIAA and IEC equalisation curves from the front panel. This is about as convenient a phono stage as we have come across.

Take a look inside and you will find that this is a fully balanced electronic design, which promises low noise levels and improved dynamics. Alongside a standard single-ended phono input, the MX-VYNL can also accept a balanced signal in the form of a mini XLR 5-pin connector.

You’ll also find both single-ended and balanced output options. Having had a play with both, we settle on the balanced XLR output, as it sounds bolder and more precise than the already capable single-ended alternative.

Terrific performer

It doesn’t take more than a few seconds of Into My Arms by Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds to recognise that this phono stage is a terrific performer. It’s wonderfully transparent and detailed, digging up low-level instrumental strands and sonic textures with ease. We love the way it handles vocals, delivering Cave’s distinctive voice with all the solidity, presence and emotion it deserves. There’s an appealing fluidity to the MX��

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