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Q Can you clarify the legality of the towing of A-frames in Spain?

©John Watt

I was happily reading a very interesting article in April’s edition of MMM (p109). It was written by John and Dee Watt.

Thoroughly engrossed until I reached the paragraph headed The Big Tour. Here I read about the car and A-frame being classed a trailer when towed.

After years of touring Europe, I started going down to Portugal in the winter and, after a few years, was thinking about taking the Smart car, which we towed in the UK.

Doing some homework about the legal side of things, I found that Spain had not signed up to the Geneva Convention and you could only take the car on a trailer.

Only one of us drives, so taking a risk was out of the question. Please clear up this matter. I think John was right under EU rules that it should be OK to tow a trailer.

David Litster

A In the UK, a well-designed and manufactured A-frame system complying with the UK’s Department for Transport’s (DfT) requirements can be considered a safe and convenient way of transporting a small car. However, in most of Europe, towing a motor vehicle with another vehicle is illegal.

There is the Vienna Convention, which could be said to permit a foreign outfit to drive in another country as long as it’s legal in the home country, but where there’s a specific local law that forbids the practice then there’s always a chance you will be stopped.

You can try to argue your case with the police and some A-frame suppliers provide an explanation in different languages to help, but you may find resistance to an attempt to get around local regulations.

I have heard of such outfits being stopped and made to disconnect the A-frame and for the two vehicles to proceed independently; others have been fined. To be sure of unhindered travel in Europe you should only transport your car on a trailer.

In the UK the situation is clearer, although not black and white. The UK position is indicated on motorhome.

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