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Don’t miss this Family History Federation event

FHF Really Useful Family History Show

15 June

a King’s Meadow Campus, University of Nottingham t 01263 824951 wfhf-reallyuseful.com/2024-live

The Family History Federation, which represents local family history societies throughout England and Wales, is holding three in-person events in 2024 to mark its 50th anniversary. The second show of the year, which is co-hosted with Nottinghamshire Family History Society, will take place on 15 June. There will be stalls from local societies, the opportunity to go on a guided tour of the University of Nottingham’s Manuscripts and Special Collections department (numbers are limited), and two talks. Martin McDowell will explain how to use DNA testing in family history, while Peter Swann will share his tips for tracing your ancestors beyond 1600. Free.


Echoes Of The Blitz: Underground Shelters In Ukraine And London

Until spring 2025

a London Transport Museum t 0343 222 5000 wltmuseum.co.uk/visit/museum-guide/echoes-blitz This exhibition compares photos of Londoners sheltering in the Underground during the Blitz and images of modern-day Ukrainians using underground train networks as a shelter during the war with Russia. Free, although you need to buy an Annual Pass to visit the museum (starting at £1 for those on Universal or Pension Credit).

Almost Within Living Memory – The 1921 Census

25 May

a Manchester Central Library w tinyurl.com/eventbrite-1921-lt Leslie Turner explains how to access the 1921 census from Manchester Central Library for free, as well as relevant census substitutes. Free for members of Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society, otherwise £5.

The Enumerator Strikes Back

28 May

a The Barn at Willesborough Windmill t 01227 495120 wtinyurl.com/kfhs-enum WDYTYA? Magazinecontributor Dave Annal sheds light on the enumerators who created the census returns we rely on. Free for Kent Family History Society members, £2 for non-members.

Book Fair

1 June

a The Centre for Heritage & Family History, Reading Central Library t 0118 950 9553 wtinyurl.com/berksfhs-book Berkshire Family History Society will be selling secondhand books at this event, chiefly related to family, local or social history. New titles, maps and data CDs will also be on sale. Free entry.

Show And Tell – The Lesser Known Records Of Warwickshire Quarter Sessions

12 June

a Warwickshire County Record Office, Warwick t 01926 738959 wtinyurl.com/wcro-show-tell Senior archivist Rob Eyre shares

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