
8 min read



Sophie loved her work experience at Family Wise’s office in Calne

I have been a subscriber for many years, researching my own family history for over 10, and have considered pursuing genealogy as a career. However, it is sometimes hard for younger genealogists to know how to start off. Therefore, I was excited when I saw the news story in your March issue about an opportunity for a young genealogist to get some work experience. After creating a presentation on the topic breaking down brick walls concerning my illegitimate 4x great grandfather, I was the lucky winner.

I spent three days at the Family Wise headquarters in Calne at the end of April. I learnt about the family history research and people-tracing services they offer. They are currently launching a free service to trace family and friends for those in care homes, to facilitate reunions: an amazing idea.

I also learnt new strategies for interpreting DNA results and identifying matches. I practised search techniques for finding people with common surnames such as Jones in large cities. I also had a go at tracing beneficiaries of unclaimed estates from the Government’s Bona Vacantia list. I learnt a lot more about how the process of probate works, including how an estate would be divided between beneficiaries.

Some other highlights included:

• identifying individuals who were mentioned in letters from the 1960s–1980s using names and addresses;

• getting to see a family Bible from the 1800s which was being sent to a beneficiary;

• going out with a meal with the Family Wise team and getting to know them all better; • taking a short trip myself to neighbouring Compton Bassett where I found gravestones of my 6x great grandaunts! I had an amazing experience at Family Wise in a fast-paced environment; it was great to spend time with people with a similar passion, and hear their intriguing stories. I have honed my skills, stressing the importance of thorough and accurate research. I also got to do international research, learning about new databases such as the National Archives of Australia’s Passenger Lists (tinyurl.com/naa-pass-list).

I would definitely recommend the experience to anyone else when it runs in the future.

I have also written a longer blog detailing my experience on Family Wise’s site, for those who are interested: family-wise.co.uk/2024/04/26/family-wise-young-genealogist-experience.

Sophie Broad, Berkshire

EDITOR REPLIES Thank you for sharing your experience Sophie. It sounds like

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