What’s causing your anxiety?

3 min read

Life tools

Feel calmer and more in control with these simple lifestyle changes


You’ve no doubt heard the old adage that a healthy body is a healthy mind. Well, doctors and therapists increasingly agree with that statement. Certain seemingly mundane aspects of modern life – such as blood sugar swings, inflammation and chronic sleep deprivation – can cause a physical imbalance that manifests as anxiety. Here are some common culprits that may be contributing to your anxiety.


The modern diet of refined carbohydrates and coffee drinks that are secretly milkshakes leaves our blood sugar swinging wildly up and down throughout the day. When our blood sugar crashes, it causes a stress response in the body, which can feel like anxiety.

DO IT Avoid unnecessary anxiety by keeping your blood sugar stable. The definitive solution is to eat a blood sugar-stabilising diet of well-sourced protein, healthy fats, and starchy veg like sweet potatoes, instead of refined carbohydrates and sweets. A simple tip is to eat a spoonful of almond butter a few times a day to keep blood sugar steady and prevent any crashes.


It’s never popular advice, but if you’re struggling with anxiety, caffeine and alcohol probably won’t do you any favours. Caffeine can contribute to a stress response, causing unnecessary anxiety. Alcohol, while initially relaxing, causes the conversion of one of our relaxation neurotransmitters, called GABA, into a neurotransmitter called glutamate. Glutamate can make us feel activated and on edge. Sometimes anxiety can be as simple as the aftereffects of alcohol on your brain.

DO IT Gradually decrease your caffeine consumption by a few sips a day to see if lower amounts of caffeine translate to lower anxiety levels. Then start to observe if your anxiety is in line with your alcohol use. Make conscious, self-loving choices about when alcohol is truly worthwhile in your life.


Many of us are walking around these days simultaneously overfed on calories while being deficient in certain critical micronutrients, such as vitamin B12, folate, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2. We’re awash with processed foods that offer caloric abundance while being nutritionally bankrupt. Many of us are also living in a state of chronic inflammation as a result of processed foods. Nutrient deficiency makes it difficult for our brains to function properly, and inflammation can make the emotional processing centre of the brain feel as though we’re under attack. Both of these states can manifest as anxiety.

DO IT Do your best to focus on nutrient density. F

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