Boost your energy in 24 hours

3 min read

Feel good you

Not recovered from the excesses of summer? Get your oomph back with our easy tricks


Running on empty? It’s totally natural to feel a slump between the seasons, especially after those ever-so-slightly stressful summer holidays, boozy birthday parties and long weekends away. Fortunately, you can regain your bounce in no time with these expert tips and tricks. Within 24 hours, you should be brimming with new-found energy and enthusiasm, so you can make the most of autumn.


Are you struggling to get going? Kick-start your day the right way.

NO SNOOZING Get up when your alarm goes off. ‘Falling asleep again will leave you feeling groggy because you put your body and brain out of sync with their natural rhythm,’ says nutritionist Rob Hobson.

WAKE UP YOUR BODY Before showering, dry-brush your skin with a body brush to boost your circulation. ‘Work in small, circular movements upwards from your feet, using enough pressure so that it tingles but doesn’t hurt,’ says holistic living expert Janey Lee Grace.

BOOST YOUR BREAKFAST Fill up on eggs. They’re a great source of energy-boosting protein. Oats will also keep you fuelled until lunch. ‘Add a handful of walnuts, ground sunflower seeds and linseeds to porridge for slow-release energy. Toss in berries and sultanas for natural sweetness,’ says nutritional therapist Laila Lewis.


Easy ways to avoid 3pm fatigue.

SIT UP Slouching is a fast track to sleepiness. ‘Correcting your posture can help get more oxygen into your body,’ says physio Sammy Margo. ‘Sit tall, as if you have a string coming from the top of your head to your tailbone, with your stomach muscles pulled in and ribcage lifted. Breathe into your ribcage, with your legs uncrossed for good circulation.’ Do this for five minutes every two hours.

HAVE A HOT HERBAL CUPPA ‘Add a sprig of rosemary to hot water – it’s powerful and energising. I use it often to replace coffee in the afternoon,’ says aromatherapy expert Annee de Mamiel.

BLOW AWAY THE COBWEBS When tiredness hits, head out for a short, sharp power walk. It increases oxygen flow and stimulates energy-boosting hormone levels, and the effects are long-lasting. Women who walk briskly for 10 minutes a day have 18% more energy after six months than their couch-bound peers, says the American Heart Association.

SNACK SMART Avoid sugary treats. ‘If you need an afternoon pick-me-up,

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