‘health is far more important than how i look’

2 min read


Author, journalist and podcaster Susannah Constantine, 61, lives in West Sussex with her husband, entrepreneur Sten Bertelsen

What are you like first thing in the morning?

I’m pretty good. I get terrible anxiety and that’s the first emotion I feel when I wake up, but I choose to use that as a motivator. The first thing I do is clean my face, etc, put in my hearing aids, take a shot of Symprove and I’m good to go.

What’s your worst habit?

Snoring. It’s not a habit as such because I can’t help it, but I’m terrible. You can literally hear me through walls.

If you’re at home alone, what do you do?

Indulge in a box set while eating beans on toast, then chocolate. Fabulous.

Who or what makes you happiest?

My kids. They can also make me feel full of rage, but when things are good, I’m very happy. The greatest privilege is having them all at home together because they lead such separate lives.

What scares you most in life?

My mortality, and also my husband dying before me. I would rather he was looking after me when I get old. I don’t want my children to feel that burden. My husband is younger than me, so hopefully I will die before him.

What are the best and worst things about getting older?

I’m scared about my brain degenerating and losing my faculties. I forget things more these days and that’s why it’s so important to stay healthy. As far as I’m concerned, that is far more valuable than how I look, although Trinny’s amazing skincare and make-up range does help. The best thing about ageing is not giving as much of a f**k as I once did.

Do you have any regrets?

Absolutely none. Not even being an active alcoholic. It was out of my control and I’ve learnt so much from it. I learnt things I can pass on to my kids, like how to handle life, and that if there are things you can’t change in your past, let them go.

What do you want most in life?

Having a purpose is the most important thing, whether you’re working with a charity, painting, gardening or being with your family. I always want to keep working in some shape or form, at my own pace.

What’s your guilty food ple

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