17st lighter and a whole lot happier

4 min read

Dawn Lambert was given a frank warning by her doctor to make some big changes


The screen on my tablet lit up as two beaming faces appeared. ‘Hello Grandma,’ they said in unison. ‘Hello loves,’ I smiled back, pleased that technology meant I could see my grandchildren so often, even though we lived 300 miles apart. Willow, four, and India, two, started telling me about their week. While I oohed at Willow’s latest drawing, I felt so grateful for these precious moments. Because 16 years ago, I didn’t think I’d be around to see my future grandchildren.

Back in 2007, I was over 26st with a range of health issues, including asthma, arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome – and that wasn’t even half the list! Then, at one appointment with my GP, my liver count came back so high for someone in their late 30s that my doctor was convinced I must be an alcoholic. ‘But I don’t drink,’ I said. The tests also revealed a genetic condition that put me at a high risk of liver failure. The doctor was shockingly blunt: ‘Lose weight or you’ll be dead in 20 years, if not sooner.’

I’d been struggling with my weight ever since I’d been placed on bed rest during pregnancy. Then after my son, Daniel, was born it just kept creeping up, until I was wearing size-36 clothes. I cooked meals like roasts and shepherd’s pie during the week, then at weekends I’d have fast food, dinners out and lots of chocolate. I’d tried liquid-only diets and calorie-counting plans, but none of them seemed to work for me.

Finding help

Luckily, around the time of the doctor’s warning, I’d just found out my brother, Darren, had been going to Slimming World and had lost a stone in his first month. What was more surprising was that he was enjoying the food! ‘You don’t miss out on anything,’ he said. ‘I’ve been having things like burger and chips.’ I was intrigued, but I also worried about going into a new place where I didn’t know what would happen, so I asked my mum, Dorothy, to come with me.

Together, we walked through the door and were greeted by the Consultant, Xena, who couldn’t have been more welcoming. We listened as she explained the plan and how the different books in our new-member packs would support us through our first week and beyond. Next, Xena introduced us to the rest of the group, who greeted us like we were old friends. By the time we’d stood on the scales, with our weight for our eyes only, I felt sure I’d come to the right place.

I went away and I planned all

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