‘i haven’t had botox in two years’

3 min read

Peter Andre tells Woman about his career goals, surgery and starring in a new reality show


Peter Andre may have burst on to the showbiz scene some 30 years ago thanks to his ab-tastic music videos, but these days the father of four has fingers in many pies. Recently, he’s filled in for Eamonn Holmes on GB News Breakfast. And with lots of changes across some of the biggest daytime TV shows, could Peter throw his hat into the presenting ring for a more permanent gig on the likes of This Morning?

‘It was definitely difficult to fit into Eamonn Holmes’ shoes! But it’s something I want to start doing more of,’ the star, 50, admits. ‘But I think they’ve got some great people on This Morning already who are brilliant – Dermot, Alison and Holly are great.’

Presenting ambitions aside, Peter is a very busy man. We catch up with the star – who shares son Junior, 18, and daughter Princess, 16, with his ex, Katie Price, and Millie, nine, and Theo, six, with wife Emily, 33 – about his latest work ventures, how he feels about getting older and how he’s ‘struggling beyond belief’ with the news that Princess has a boyfriend.

Hi Pete, we’ve heard rumours that you might be doing a new reality show?

I did think about it, but then I backed off on it for a bit as I’ve been too busy. But never say never. Sometimes I think it will be fun, but other times I think I don’t know.

You turned 50 this year…

I was so adamant I was going to get Botox and do all these little tweaks. I don’t know how I’m going to feel at 51 or 52, but right now I’d just like to see how long I can go without doing anything. Obviously, I had a nose job in the 90s because I didn’t like the lump on my nose, so I’m never against making changes. But I’ve not had any Botox for two years and actually everyone is saying they like how I use my facial expressions.

Sometimes I think you imagine people want to see you a certain way, but actually people just like you being you.

We’re glad to hear it. And how are things at home?

Everyone is great. They love it when Dad’s home, because Dad loves cooking. I’ve just done Cooking With the Stars, so they were enjoying me practising. Junior is 18 now, Princess has just turned 16 – God help us!

How does it feel to have an 18-year-old?

He’s such a good boy, I’m the luckiest guy alive. My son is so polite, respectful, and he works hard. He’s in the studio constantly writing and performing. My daughter [Princess]… l

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