Extrovert and introvert

5 min read

OPPOSITES really do attract! When it comes to lasting love, sometimes it’s the differences that help to make our relationships work – as these couples prove



Still going strong after 21 years

Georgina Fuller, 45, is a mum of three and lives with her husband Dom, 45, in Oxfordshire

As I move around the room chatting to different people and making jokes at a house party, I find myself beaming. I love meeting new people and catching up with old friends. I’ve always been curious about people, enjoy their company, and I was never as miserable as I was during the COVID-19 lockdown, confined to the house with only my husband and kids for company.

As much as I love them, I’ve always needed a thriving social life. I revel in the party atmosphere. Only, you won’t find my husband at my side. Dom will be tucked away in the corner of the room, not moving all night, desperate to go home, watching as I mingle. Or, if he gets his way, he won’t have come to the party at all but will have stayed home, enjoying the peace and quiet, watching a film by himself.

Happy alone

I’ve always been an extrovert, keen to get out into the world as much as I can; while Dom is an introvert, happier at home with a good book to read or a documentary on the TV. During lockdown, he was quite happy being ensconced at home. He’d fall asleep in front of the sofa every night given half the chance. He’s just happier in his own company than I am, which I admire, yet somehow our different personalities seem to complement each other.

At weddings, I’m always the one seated next to strangers because people know I’ll chat to anyone. Dom often leaves it to me when it comes to making small talk in those situations, and I’m more than happy to take the reins. Socialising is one of my strengths, whereas Dom is better at other things. If I’m honest, I’d say my husband is a bit more intellectual than me, perhaps that’s why he thrives in his own company. He loves watching war films and serious documentaries, while I’m quite happy bingeing on Selling Sunset and Gilmore Girls.

Despite all these differences, we must be doing something right as we have been together for 21 years and married for 15. I may still have to drag him along to social gatherings from time to time, or accept I’m going alone, but Dom has a great, dry sense of humour and really makes me laugh with his wry take on life. I also love how thoughtful he is, bringing m