Is it something i ate?

3 min read

Feeling a bit bleurgh? Your sickness could stem from a dodgy diet

Has a low-key health problem been niggling you? Maybe a pesky headache, not bad enough to see a doctor, but painful enough to leave you irritable? Or perhaps your skin looks duller than you’d like, or spots have surprisingly only now become a problem? Or is it your heartburn that’s cropping up all too often?

‘A lot of these things are often chalked up to our age as we expect aches and pains to come with the midlife territory,’ says nutritionist Pauline Cox, author of Primal Living in a Modern World*. ‘But even if you think you eat a fairly normal, balanced diet, it could be what you’re consuming – or the way you’re consuming it – that’s causing the problem.’ Here’s what you need to know.


Going for a daily Number Two is important, because hormones destined for the loo can be reabsorbed if bowel movements become infrequent, putting us at greater risk of female cancer. If you find it difficult to go, it could be you’re not drinking enough water or eating enough roughage. ‘Remaining hydrated and eating sufficient fibre is a good starting place for constipation,’ says Pauline. ‘However, you could be eating too much dairy.’ When dairy ferments in the gut, it causes methane gas, which slows food passing through.

SWAP Cow’s products for goat and sheep cheese and milk. They’re easier on digestion, but rich in calcium, protein and nutrients.


If you’re popping pills to combat headaches, first cut back on sugar, caffeine and alcohol – which can all trigger head pain. You should also consider the amount of bread and baked goods you’re consuming. ‘Many women see an improvement with a gluten-free diet,’ says Pauline. ‘Omega-3 fatty acids can also support an anti-inflammatory approach to reducing headaches, with current research suggesting most women aren’t hitting the recommended 300mg a day.’

SWAP Some of your shopping for gluten-free alternatives and ditch alcoholic drinks for kombucha, a fermented tea drink packed with beneficial bacteria.


Breakouts can feel distressing and are associated with perimenopause. But spots can also be triggered by too much sugar in our diet. ‘Cutting back on highly sweetened food can help balance your blood sugar levels, which can reduce skin breakouts,’ advises Pauline. ‘Eating a diet rich in fibre, to support healthy oestrogen metabolism, can also help – when midlife hormonal imbalances come into play.’

SWAP Sweets, chocolates and crisps for healthier snacks, such as magnesium-rich dark

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