I’ll always be here for eamonn

3 min read

As the TV presenter battles through health setbacks and grief, he needs wife Ruth’s support more than ever



It’s been a tough year for Eamonn Holmes. Not only has the star been battling health problems, but in recent weeks he also lost his beloved mother, Josie, who died aged 93. Eamonn, 63, was unable to travel to Belfast for her funeral due to his own ill health, instead sending a heartfelt tribute to the congregation and his three brothers virtually.

And our source tells us that Ruth has been a key part in helping him through this testing time. ‘Eamonn lost his mum and wasn’t able to go to the funeral, that made him feel very distant from his family, but Ruth is doing her best to keep his spirits up so he doesn’t feel isolated,’ they explain, adding, ‘Grief can come and go, so Ruth knows it may be a long process before he’s feeling himself again.’


Eamonn’s health has plagued him in recent months and bulging discs in his back have left him in chronic pain. Addressing Eamonn’s battle, Ruth said, ‘A marriage is in sickness and in health,’ before adding, ‘He has good days and bad days, and I see that more because I live with him. It’s been going on for a year but I don’t think it has anything to do with age. Discs can pop at any age, but it does bring home that anything can happen to any of us, at any time.’

In September, Eamonn told viewers of the GB News show he presents with Isabel Webster that he would be absent while he underwent surgery. Later, he shared the sad news that he’d had a setback following the procedure.

‘Last month I suffered a fall at home while I was recovering from my back operation and fractured my shoulder,’ the presenter explained. ‘It was a massive setback and means I’m going to need to take extra time off to get myself better. It’s been a hellish few weeks. But day by day I’m improving and I am remaining positive and looking on the bright side.’

Ruth even took a week away from her day job at Loose Women to help look after Eamonn, too. She revealed, ‘He’s had this back problem and it played up again… he ended up in hospital for a few days… So yes, it’s been a bit worrying.’

Ruth, we’re told, has been amazing in helping care for Eamonn throughout his operation and setbacks. ‘Ruth is having to be there for Eamonn more than ever before. With chronic illness, you have to be there constantly and Eamonn has had chronic pain for years now before this latest setback,’ our well-placed source explains, adding, ‘Ruth is

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