Your stars

1 min read

Discover your destiny with Sally Trotman, our expert astrologer


4-10 June 2024


21 Mar – 20 Apr

Stay focused on what you really want this week. With a confident attitude and by taking inspired action, you can ensure you fulfil your most important dreams.


21 Apr – 20 May

As Mars moves into your sign on 10 June, it gives you the perseverance and patience you need to achieve your most important goals. Time to act and think big!


21 May – 20 Jun

The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are all in Gemini. Make the most of this planetary line-up by communicating what is most important to you to your loved ones.


21 Jun – 22 Jul

If you’re feeling less than fulfilled in your working life and need a sense of purpose, remember your talents and find a way to use these more on a daily basis.


23 Jul – 22 Aug

You are highly imaginative and creative, so use your inner vision to help you find the solution to an area of challenge in your life. Let your inspiration guide you.


23 Aug – 22 Sep

See yourself through the eyes of love and you’ll feel happier. Praise yourself for everything you deal with each day and watch others treat you with more respect.


23 Sep – 23 Oct

If you’re feeling a little out of sorts, protect your energy. Soak in a hot bath or take a walk in nature to shake off any negative energies you’ve attracte

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