Anita naik a problem shared

1 min read

Mum-of-two Anita Naik has been an agony aunt for 32 years

She said I’m too old to be promoted

Q I’ve worked as a PA for 16 years and love it. At a team meeting recently, I mentioned I was applying for a promotion to a more senior position, and my manager laughed and point-blank said I’d never be promoted because, at 58, I’m too old. I feel so angry. What can I do?


A Unfortunately, age discrimination exists in the workplace, but under the Equality Act, it’s direct discrimination to be told that you will not be promoted because of your age. You have witnesses to what’s happened, so your next step is to follow your employer’s grievance procedure (see HR) and, if that doesn’t work, an employment tribunal. The Equality Advisory and Support Service can advise you on what steps to take.


Q We’ve had a terrible couple of years; my husband lost his job and has struggled with depression. He’s on strong medication now, but since the diagnosis there’s little room for me. I’ve just lost my mum and it’s left me feeling very alone. There’s no support or love for me in our marriage. I looked online, and the advice seems to be leave and move on. Should I?

A Thanks to Google, answers to everything are online, but it’s impossible for a website to see the intricacies of your relationship. You and your husband are struggling, but that doesn’t mean you won’t return from this with the right h

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