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What’s new this month in the world of health and wellbeing

Trick your appetite

Looking to lose weight? Eat your meals off blue plates. The colour doesn’t stimulate our appetites as much as red or yellow (the favoured hues of many fast-food companies), according to research by Cornell University in America.

What’s that?

Keep tabs on your supplements and meds with this handy Vida Glow weekender pill box – great for keeping organised at home or on-the-go.

£10 from cultbeauty.

Take the plunge!

We know that being active is great for health and fitness – and it’s good for body image too. Swimming, yoga or weightlifting in particular help boost confidence in our bodies, says Viren Swami, professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University. ‘Research has found that anything that promotes a greater appreciation for the body and its functions will promote a healthier body image.’

Celebrate midlife and discover the joy of movement with the Dare to Be! campaign, supported by JD Williams and the fitness app for women Her Spirit. It challenges us to dare to try something new, such as wild swimming or weightlifting. Go for it!


Top up your protein and nurture your gut with more than 30 new foods launched by M&S Food. The range includes high-protein, gut-friendly breakfasts, wellness teas and plant-packed dinners loaded with protein, such as the firm’s meat-free mince.

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