Better late than never

3 min read

Short story

Hilary was stunned and puzzled. Why had her friend kept such a big secret?

What!’ Hilary gasped as she glanced at her phone. Dave looked up and came to stand behind her. ‘Peter and Pam have announced their engagement!’

‘The Bradshaws?’

‘Yes. Is it some kind of joke?’

Hilary asked.

‘Perhaps they just never got around to getting married,’ Dave said, clearly losing interest.

‘But we’ve known them for 20-odd years. Our boys grew up together.’

‘It’s their business,’ said Dave, picking up his coffee and the paper, and going over to sit by the window. Hilary stared at her phone in disbelief.

‘Have you replied then?’ Dave asked.

‘What should I say? That we’re pleased, or shocked?’ She was doing her best to keep back the tears. ‘You probably think I’m stupid, but it feels like a betrayal.’

‘I think you’re overreacting, but then you and Pam are close. Just say congratulations and be done with it.’

Hilary took her husband’s advice and sent their congrats. She wanted to add the well-known fact that she’d never been a bridesmaid!

Later, while preparing tea, Hilary was still stunned by her friend’s announcement.

‘I can’t believe Pam never said anything,’ she said.

‘How many people have you actually told that we are married?’ Dave asked.

Hilary went to answer, but stopped. ‘OK, probably none, but I have mentioned our anniversary meal or that you bought me some flowers.’

‘And would you remember if Pam had ever said anything similar to that?’

‘I don’t suppose so,’ she conceded. ‘Come to think of it, she doesn’t have any wedding photos on display.’

‘Nor do we,’ Dave reminded her. ‘Perhaps our friends will now speculate as to whether we’re married or not.’

‘You know that it’s only because we couldn’t afford a professional photographer and the snaps we do have aren’t very good. My one regret.’ ‘So, what’s the big deal?’

‘I guess I feel cheated. We’ve been friends for a long time. I thought I knew her, but clearly I don’t. It’s upset me.’

As March turned into April, Hilary received another message from the Bradshaws.

‘It says they’ve gone away to a secret destination for a simple wedding celebration.’

‘Good for them!’ Dave said. ‘They’ve sent a photo. They’re on a beach somewhere, and it isn’t Blackpool!’

‘Lucky things!’ Dave looked at the picture. ‘Some Caribbean island, by the looks of it. I wonder if they took the lads?’

‘I don’t think so. Ben’s a teacher and it’s not school holidays, and Joe’s wife is heavily pregnant.’

‘So that’s cleared up that mystery,’ added Dave.

‘Perhaps it was the imm

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