Tulip table runner

2 min read

Jazz up your spring table with this quilted floral design


25in x WOF background fabric

Scrap fabrics for tulips and leaves

Four 1½ x 5in strips for stems

32in x WOF backing fabric

52 x 16in batting

10in x WOF for binding

5in x WOF of sew-in lightweight interfacing

Pencil, for drawing on interfacing

Hand-sewing needle

Matching thread


WOF = width of fabric

SA = seam allowance

WS = wrong sides

RS = right sides

Measurements are shown in inches as these are traditionally used for quilting.

Cutting out

From the background fabric, cut four 12½in squares. From the backing fabric, cut two 16in x WOF strips. From the binding fabric, cut four 2½in wide x WOF strips. Join to make a continuous length with bias joins. Trim the SA to ¼in, then press open. Press the long edges WS together. From the interfacing, cut four 5in squares and four 5 x 2¾in rectangles.


1Draw around the tulip template on each 5in interfacing square and cut out with a 1cm allowance around the edge; repeat with the leaf template on the interfacing rectangles. Place the interfacing on the RS of the string fabrics and sew along the outline. Trim the fabric and interfacing, leaving a ¼in SA, and clip the corners. Cut a slit in the centre of the interfacing, careful not to cut the fabric, then turn the shape through this hole and press.

Finished size: 12½ x 48½in Finished block size: 12in square

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