Bear necessities

2 min read


This cheeky-faced cushion is going to get a lot of cuddles

TESTED BY US so they work for you

Instructions overleaf


Length 35cm/14in

Width 35cm/14in


2 x 100g (202m) balls of King Cole Comfort Aran (60% acrylic, 40% nylon) in Grey (Silver 3113) and 1 ball in White (330), plus 1 x 100g (200m) ball of King Cole Fashion Aran (70% acrylic, 30% wool) in Black (3318)*. Pair of 5mm (No. 6), knitting needles; 35x35cm cushion pad; 35cm zip fastener; tapestry needle; sewing needle and thread to match Grey and White; stuffing. Yarn is available from


18 stitches and 24 rows to 10x10cm, over stocking stitch, using 5mm needles.


Inc, increase (by working twice into same st); k, knit; p, purl; p2togb, p2tog through back of sts (to decrease 1 st); skpo, slip 1, k1, pass slipped st over (to decrease 1 st); ss, stocking st (k on right side and p on wrong side); st(s), stitch(es); tog, together (decrease by working as many sts together as stated).


Yarn amounts are based on average requirements and are approximate.


With 5mm needles and Grey, cast on 65 sts.

Beginning with a k row, ss 72 rows.

** Shape ears: Cast on 3 sts at beginning of next 2 rows – 71 sts. Inc 1 st at each end of next 3 rows and following alternate row – 79 sts. Ss 5 rows.

Divide for ears: Next row: K18, turn and work on these sts for first ear.

First ear: Ss 5 rows.

1st dec row: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, skpo, k1. P 1 row. Work 1st dec row.

2nd dec row: P1, p2togb, p to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1. Repeat last 2 rows, once more – 8 sts. Cast off.

Second ear: With right side facing, rejoin Grey to remaining sts, cast off next 43 sts, k to end – 18 sts. Ss 5 rows.

1st dec row: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, skpo, k1. P

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