Beach hoodie

2 min read


Heading for the seaside? Grab a striped towel and turn it into a kid’s cover-up, perfect for throwing over their swimwear


Our snug beach hoodie is made from a single towel, cut into six pieces (see diagram for cutting instructions), and makes use of the towel’s original edging. The measurements we’ve given fit a two- to three-year-old, so adjust accordingly and buy more towels if you’re making for older children. As towelling frays, run a quick zigzag stitch around the cut edges of all the pieces, to make it easier to work with.

1 Cut out pieces of the hoodie, as per the diagram. Take the hood piece and cut off the two side hems, then fold in half along the long edge, right sides facing (A). Pin and zigzag-stitch the long edge (opposite the original hem). Turn right sides out. For the neckline, place one body piece, right side down and pin the midpoint at the top. Line the seam of the hood up with this, then place two pins on either side, midway between the central seam and hood front (B).

2 At the two outer pins, fold the hood sides in and down at an angle until they meet in the middle, and the hood front sits flat (C) and pin this point. Remove the hood, then cut away the triangle of fabric on the body piece. Cut a 7cm slit at the triangle’s apex (D). Zigzag the two raw edges of the neckline along the slit and triangle, turn and machine-stitch flat.

3 Place the two body pieces together, right sides facing, and pin at the shoulders. Cut a slight arc in the back piece between the neck opening. Machine-stitch across both shoulders.

4 Open the hoodie out an

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