Isa guha

2 min read

Catching up with…

The former England women’s cricketer turned broadcaster talks about making her Wimbledon debut and the importance of having mentors

Did you enjoy presenting Wimbledon?

‘What an amazing opportunity! Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would get the chance to present Wimbledon and talk about all these amazing tennis players I’ve been following for years. Sue Barker was amazing and really helpful with bringing me in and making sure I felt comfortable. It was her last Wimbledon, so it was a privilege to spend some time with her and learn from the best.’

You’ve met a lot of sporting legends…

‘I have. It’s kind of strange, really, because many of the cricket players I idolised growing up have become friends. I feel very grateful and fortunate to do what I do. Cricket is part of the Commonwealth Games this year, so I’m looking forward to working with JJ Chalmers on the BBC highlights show every evening. We’re blessed with so many incredible athletes in this country now. It’s just amazing to be able to tell their stories.’

How do you stay fit?

‘I find it very difficult, especially during test matches, because my working day starts around 6am and generally doesn’t end until 7pm. But I’m very lucky to work in Sydney, where I stay in Bondi. Running down the coastline there is a bit of a morning ritual – not just for fitness, it’s calming as well.

It’s weird because, when I was playing cricket, I hated running. But I started jogging for longer during lockdown and I like it now. The thing I miss most from my playing days is weight training, but it’s not always easy to find places with free weights when I’m travelling.’

Tell us about the Foundation you are launching?

‘It’s called Take Her Lead (takeherlead. o

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