Trinny woodall

3 min read

The beauty-brand founder and former TV personality walks us through her skincare and make-up essentials

THE EXPERT Trinny Woodall, 58, founder of Trinny London

A typical day I work out at 8am and then get ready for the day. By nine o’clock, I’m usually at my desk – working from home or at the office. I’ll catch up on emails from the day before; then I might spend some time using my NuFACE Facial Toning Device or FaceGym Pro to wake up my skin, before going through my priorities for the day with my COO. I have a mixture of meetings – product development, social-marketing concepts and tech catch-ups. I always have a nutritious lunch made for me, which is usually fish and rice, or chicken with mashed potato. If I’m in the office, I find the time between five and seven goes in the blink of an eye – and I’ll realise it’s time to leave. Back home, I have a TV supper with my partner – and my daughter if she’s at home. I don’t go out that much during the week because I work long hours, but I try to have lunch with a girlfriend every two weeks. I’ll catch up with friends and relax at the weekend.

Skincare philosophy The most important thing for me, at 58, is looking in the mirror and thinking, do I look tired? Or full of energy? And that’s how I decide the effort I need to put into my skincare. So every day, I have a specific routine based on how I look and feel.

Skincare non-negotiable In the morning, I clean my skin, apply vitamin C and always use an SPF. In the evening, I clean my skin twice. Then I’ll use an acid and apply a retinoid.

Main skincare concern? I had bad acne when I was postmenopausal. During that time, I had a CO2laser treatment. It’s quite invasive because you need two weeks’ downtime afterwards, but it’s something I would do again.


01 FACEGYM PRO, £515 This is a microcurrent facial tool and I use it every day. It helps lift and tighten facial muscles and (almost) reverses gravity on a small scale. It’s a great investment.

02 ALTRIENT LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C, £44.50 I read Linus Pauling’s book on vitamin C and it completely converted me. This one by Altrient is liposomal (derived from lipids, or fats), which means it gives the highest possible proportion of vitamin C absorption into the bloodstream.

03 INGENIOUS BEAUTY COLLAGEN, £60 This one has an ingenious plant cellulose capsule that protects the collagen peptides as they go through the stomach, so they reach your skin.


04 OLIVIERE WILSON FACE + BODY MICRONEEDLING KIT, £118 This is one of my night-time heroes. Microneedling is something that I’ve done for at least 15 years and I strongly

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