
1 min read

The MVP of your cuppa, L-theanine is making waves for its potential anxiety-busting abilities. Fed up with those coffee jitters? Sip on this


01. What’s this all about, then?

‘L-theanine is an amino acid – alittle piece of a protein,’ explains dietitian Sophie Medlin (citydietitians.co.uk). ‘It’s non-essential, which means it’s not one you need to get from food, but you can.’ Like any spa employee worth their Himalayan salt, its main job appears to be helping you feel calm and relaxed. And with its most abundant hangout being the humble cup of tea, these are easy powers to harness.

02. Wait, it’s in my brew?

Yep – it sure is. Black, green, white or otherwise – tea is a major source of L-theanine. ‘Despite it containing caffeine, you might have noticed that tea has a more calming effect than a cup of coffee – that’s all down to the L-theanine,’ explains Medlin. ‘You do get that stimulation, but the L-theanine helps to prevent the jitters or anxiety that you might associate with too much caffeine.’

03. So, the anxiety thing…

Taylor Swift claims to take it to help with hers. But how does it work? ‘L-theanine is structurally similar to the amino acid glutamine, so sometimes acts like it,’ says Medlin. ‘This helps produce certain neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and GABA, which interact with stress cycles in the body to promote relaxation.’

The evidence for a ‘safe limit’ doesn’t exist yet for supps. ‘Never take more than directed by the manufacturer,

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