Upper body blast

2 min read

Think you need a high-end studio or a well-equipped gym to do an effective arm workout? Think again. Build strength and definition with only a pair of dumbbells using this superset-style approach


Clock any recent red-carpet scene and you’ll notice some A-list accessories that have nothing to do with sartorial choices. We’re talking strong, high-definition muscles. Take the leading ladies of the Marvel universe, Natalie Portman and Lupita Nyong’o, training biceps so impressive they could scale a skyscraper or f lip a truck – no special effects required.

(Probably). And the good news is, you don’t need a celebrity trainer or a commitment-free calendar to emulate them, thanks to the timesaving salve that is the superset.

The concept is simple: you perform two exercises backto-back with little to no rest in between. In doing so, you’re able to tire out the muscle and raise your heart rate via continuous movement, taxing both your muscular and cardiovascular systems. As a result, these smart and speedy pairings allow you to burn more during and after your sweat than traditional resistance training, a study in the Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research found. Meanwhile, research in the European Journal Of Applied Physiology found that supersets cut down on training time without affecting your gains.

While you can (and should) utilise supersets for your upper-, lower- and full-body workouts, the upper-body region tends to be smaller and weaker than, say, the muscles you utilise on leg day or on long runs – and therefore gets exhausted quicker. So when you’re training your arms, it pays to get the job done with fewer moves and minutes; an approach we are, emphatically, here for. Smarten up on supersets for the upper body with this primer, then challenge yourself to complete the arms blaster workout on p81. Remember, not all heroes wear capes – some rock sports bras.

Dumbbell direction

Unsure which weight to choose? Follow these rules to pick like a pro


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