Revamp your range

1 min read

These four moves cover all your bases. ‘The best exercises for you will be the ones that target anywhere you have weaknesses or you’re lacking mobility,’ notes McPeak – so feel free to up the reps and sets for specific moves your body craves. Ideally, complete the circuit two to three times to keep your body limber and pain-free

Spiderman lunge with T-spine rotation

Focus: Upper back, T-spine, hips

How to: Start in a high plank with your hands under your shoulders. Bend your right knee up towards your armpit and place your foot outside your right hand. Keep your left leg straight and push your hips down (A). Lift your right hand to the ceiling and rotate your torso, opening your chest and shoulders. Hold for 2 to 3 secs (B). Return to the starting position and switch legs. Do 6 reps on each side.

Prone swimmer

Focus: Upper back, shoulders

How to: Start lying on your stomach with both arms outstretched (A). Raise your arms towards the ceiling, keeping your elbows straight, and circle back around as far as you can until your hands land behind your back (B). Reverse the arm circle motion back to the start and rest your arms on the floor briefly. Do 8 reps.

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