Gemma colao

2 min read

Her sleep drops found fame for their ability to alleviate restless nights, putting her CBD-based brand firmly on the wellness map. Here, the OTO founder shares the products that form the backbone of her beauty regime

A typical day My day starts at 6am when my three-year-old drags me out of bed. His smile kick-starts my mornings. I don’t check my phone for the first 20 minutes of the day, instead focusing on founder and creative making breakfast and director of OTO getting my two kids ready. Limited on time,


THE EXPERT Gemma Colao, 43,

I set good intentions while I brush my teeth and add some breathwork into my skincare routine. After the school run, I grab coffee and breakfast, then begin my work. I go to the office most days, as I enjoy the energy that comes from being with the team. I have meetings and do creative work in the mornings, grab some sushi for lunch and spend afternoons on admin. After work, I practise yoga, as it keeps me calm during busy times. At home, I’ll do some drawing with the boys. Before bed, I ask them one great thing about their day and what they’re grateful for. Dinner is usually fish and vegetables, followed by downtime with my husband and listening to The Mel Robbins Podcast in the bath.

Skincare philosophy

The body and mind are deeply connected, so my approach is holistic: eating well, managing anxiety and using the right products. This is also what my brand OTO is all about.

Main skincare concern

Hormonal acne, which is exacerbated by stress or anxiety-induced poor sleep.

Skincare non-negotiable Ample, quality sleep.

Discovering CBD and practising good sleep hygiene have transformed my sleep and skin.


01 OTO GUA SHA TOOL, £15 In the morning, I use a gua sha tool when applying my serum. I find the action therapeutic and I feel like it de-puffs and defines my features.

02 OTO ULTIMATE BALM, £29 It’s a multipurpose ‘miracle’ balm with high levels of CBD. It’s super hydrating, protects the skin and has incredible antiinflammatory benefits. I use it wherever I need it, from chapped lips to dry skin and cuticle care. I often massage it on my temples for a moment of meditation.


It’s hard to find an SPF that looks good and feels nice to wear, but this is light as air and gives my skin a nice, dewy finish, with no white

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