Short story competitions

3 min read

Fiction Factory Short Story Competition 2024

Win prizes for short stories up to 3,000 words.

The Fiction Factory Short Story Competition is inviting short fiction in any genre apart from children’s and YA.

Enter original, unpublished short stories up to 3,000 words.

The prizes are TBA. The entry fee is £7 for one story, £13 for two, and £18 for three. The closing date is 31 July.


The Bath Flash Fiction Award June 2024

The Bath Flash Fiction Award, which runs three times a year, is given for original, unpublished short fiction up to 300 words.

The winner will receive £1,000, and there are second and third prizes of £300 and £100. Two commendations each get £30. 50 longlisted entrants will be offered digital anthology publication. The Flash Award judge is Michelle Elvy.

The entry fee at full rate is £9 per flash fiction/£15 for two/£18 for three.

The closing date is 2 June.


The Dorothy Dunnett/HWA Short Story Competition 2024

The competition, from the Historical Writers’ Association and the Dorothy Dunnett Society, is inviting entries of original, unpublished short stories set at least 35 years in the past.

The winner will receive £500 and mentoring from an author/agent, and their story will be published in Whispering Gallery and on www. Two runners up will receive mentoring, and all six shortlisted entries will be published as an ebook/print on demand book by the HWA and Dorothy Dunnett Society. Each shortlisted writer will receive two print copies.

Enter original, unpublished short fiction up to 3,500 words.

The entry fee is £5.

The closing date is 1 July.


2024 BCSA Writing Competition

The theme of this year’s contest from the British Czech and Slovak Association is Discovering A New Country.

Entries are invited either on the suggested theme, which is inspired by the 100th anniversary of the publication of Karel Capek’s Letters from England, or on any aspect of the links between Britain and the lands now comprising the Czech and Slovak Republics or society in the Republics since 1989. The theme can be interpreted in any way, and entries may be either fact or fiction. Entries should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words.

The first prize is £400 and there is a second prize of £150. Both winners will be published