XStitch Magazine
5 March 2021

Issue 15 of XStitch Magazine is here and the theme is the 70s! We've got a terrific collection of retro designs featuring some of the themes that you would expect from the 70s, whether it's nostalgic games, rad wallpaper or boho fashion! We've got the first Let Lucie Let Loose challenge in which Lucie Heaton makes bespoke designs as suggested by the XStitch readers, and we welcome two new Cross Stitch Comets to the mix - from Italy it's Fairy Wool In The Wood and from the USA, it's SewModStitches! Lord Libidan pages homage to the mighty Rosey Grier, we've got another nifty product review from Grace at Beyond Measure and there's even a time-warp with a feature on the Counted Thread Society of America! This issue has charts in two formats - Colour Blocks & Symbols and Symbols only - to make it easier for you to follow them, and because it's an interactive PDF you can click between sections in the mag, and click on links to the designers and to our collaborative YouTube playlist! Regardless of if you were there for the 70s or not, there's bound to be something that you'll want to stitch, so don't delay, get your copy today!

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