What’s it like to live with a maine coon?

1 min read

We asked breeders and owners for their thoughts...

Image (left): https://www. instagram.com/rocco_and _the_kitty_cats/

● “Rocco is super social and adventurous. He travels with us, boats, swims and is amazingly intelligent. The breed just surprises me all the time.”

Michelle Ryan

“Living with a Maine Coon is basically like living with a dog. They are very loyal (like a dog), and the only down fall is that they can climb up high and have sharp claws like shredders. But they can be the most loving natured felines and really enjoy human companionship.”

Natalie Elcock

● “It’s like living with a little person in a cat suit. They are the cheekiest, naughtiest cats I’ve ever had, but I wouldn’t change them!”

Gina Kent

● “They are hilariously fascinating, a bit like a small dog but they backchat, steal things, play mind games and love to be with you.”

Jennie George.

● “It’s like living with a toddler, turn your back and they’ll turn taps on, empty kitchen cupboards, chew cables... but I wouldn’t be without them!”

Melonie Robshaw.

● “We’re a neurodivergent family with a mix of autism, ADHD, PDA, and all the sensory needs that come with that. Our Maine Coons have been an amazing emotional and sensory support for all of us, helping both children and adults in our home self-regulate and it’s been entirely through their own choice. Whilst we have never chosen them as support pets and I’ve never sold a kitten as a support pet, we’ve

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