Cocker spaniels what makes them so special?

18 min read


It’s no great surprise that the Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular dog breeds in the UK today. With their friendly, inquisitive personalities and ever-wagging tails, these dogs make loyal and devoted companions. Whether you’ve already been won over by ‘the merry cocker’or you’re wondering whether this just might be the dog for you, check out our eight-page guide for advice, fascinating facts, and Cocker insights.

Cockers form a close bond with their owners.
What’s not to love about Cocker Spaniels? Image: Courtesy of Alamy Stock Photo. More details at


Cocker Spaniels are eager to please.


AVERAGE LIFESPAN: Around 12 to 14 years.

PUPPY COST: £1,000 – £2,000.

EXERCISE REQUIREMENTS: A brisk 30-minute walk twice a day is recommended, although Working Cockers may need more exercise. Cocker Spaniels need plenty of mental stimulation too.

TRAINABILITY: Cocker Spaniels are very intelligent and easy to train. However, because they are quick to learn, they can pick up bad habits at a young age, so training from puppyhood is essential.

TEMPERAMENT: Happy, friendly, affectionate, and sociable, Cockers are eager to be involved in all family activities and enjoy being close to their owners. They are very eager to please.

SIZE: Cocker Spaniels are a medium-sized breed with a square body.

● HEIGHT APPROXIMATELY: Dogs: 39 – 41cm (15½ – 16in); Bitches: 38 – 39cm (15 – 15½in).

● WEIGHT APPROXIMATELY: 13 – 14.5kg (28 – 32lb).

The breed measures the same from the withers to the ground as from the withers to the root of tail.

COAT: Flat, silky in texture, never wiry or wavy, not too profuse, and never curly.

Well-feathered forelegs, body, and hind legs above hocks.

COLOURS: There are six solid colours (white on the chest acceptable), and particolours, which include bicolours, tricolours, and roans.

The most popular colours are blue roan, black, and golden.


If you’re thinking about getting a Cocker Spaniel puppy, you’ll need to decide whether a Show Cocker Spaniel or a Working Cocker Spaniel would be the best choice for you, and understand the differences between the two types. Show Cockers are more commonly seen as family pets, and they are a popular choice. Working Cockers are bred as working gundogs, and therefore have a lot of energy. However, they can make great pets for active homes, and are becoming an increasingly popular choice for those who participate in sports such as agility and flyball. Do your research and find a knowledgeable breeder to help you. For more information about the breed, visit The Cocker