Rodney has brought the family closer together

3 min read

Rodney, the “super dog”, has comforted young Betsy Charlton and her family.

Right: Betsy and Rodney.

Betsy, 10, from Radcliffe-on-Trent, was diagnosed with autism and global development delay at a very young age. With limited communication skills and complex sensory needs, simple everyday tasks and outings can result in major challenges for the Charltons.

Like many autistic children, Betsy is a bolter with no sense of danger. She is classed as non-verbal, and has difficulty communicating her needs or expressing her feelings. She can articulate a range of words and sing songs in her own way but, would have numerous meltdowns a week that could happen any time and anywhere.

However, since welcoming Rodney, meltdowns have reduced, and when they do happen, they’re often more manageable. Support Dogs, a national charity has trained the four-year-old dog to help autistic children and adults with epilepsy or a physical disability to live safer, more independent lives.

Rodney is not just a constant comfort to Betsy, but also to her parents, Miles and Laura.

Miles said: “He has brought a level of harmony and togetherness back to the family, which was becoming more disjointed caused by the challenges of parenting a non-neurotypical child.

“This is one of many unexpected benefits that Rodney has brought since his arrival — not only does he provide unconditional emotional support to Betsy, he provides it to the rest of the family as well.”

Miles says Rodney has made being away on holiday less stressful and allows easier access to places, including theme parks and restaurants, as a family, which had previously been more difficult because Betsy was prone to getting distressed. “So far, we have stayed in the UK, but we may look to go abroad in the next few years, which is an exciting prospect,” he added.

Praising the incredible work of the charity, Miles said: “It’s amazing, it really is. We were so lucky to get Rodney as we were on a waiting list for nearly four years, and in that time, they reduced the age range eligibility due to a backlog arising from Covid. Everyone I’ve met at Support Dogs has been great. They do a fantastic job, and the support we have had from my instructor, Rebecca, has been superb. It’s like we’ve never been without Rodney.”

● To find out more about the charity’s autism programme and how to apply, please visit