Dog owners’ new year resolutions remove over 36 million pieces of litter!

1 min read
Marion Montgomery with her Labradors Paddy and Ted.

Dog owners making an environmental New Year Resolution have boosted the ranks of the “Paws on Plastic’ campaign to 25,000. The environmental dog charity (SCIO51306) encourages dog owners to pick up a couple of pieces of litter on every walk, every day, removing over 36 million pieces of litter a year from our streets, beaches, parks and countryside.

Founded in Stonehaven, NE Scotland, in November 2018 by Primary School Teacher Marion Montgomery, Paws on Plastic continues to hit a chord among dog owners keen to play their part in fighting plastic pollution, attracting new members and followers on social media.

“We’ve had an awesome start to 2024!” explained Marion. “Picking up a few pieces of litter is such a simple, but extremely positive thing to do when we’re out anyway walking our dogs. It’s great for mental health — really empowering and satisfying to take a simple positive action that has an immediate and visible impact. As animal lovers, it’s a simple thing to do to protect dogs, wildlife and our precious environment from harm. The beauty of Paws on Plastic is that no extra time or effort is required as it only takes a minute to pick up a couple of pieces of litter as part of your everyday dog walking routine.
