The secrets to unlocking hacking confidence

2 min read



Many riders say that they want to hack, jump, or compete, but what is fuelling them if the thought makes them quake? Understanding the ‘why’ could be the first step to overcoming anxiety, finds Mel Beale

Abbie and Kathryn on the guided hack section of the confidence clinic at Boyton Hall EC, which gave riders the opportunity to put mindset techniques into practice
Riders gather at Boyton Hall Equestrian Centre for a confidence clinic
No rider should fall into the trap of thinking that they should feel confident when hacking because it is ‘easy’. Hacking with confidence takes as much skill as any other discipline

IN THE SMALL recreation room at Boyton Hall Equestrian Centre in Ipswich a group of riders nervously gathers together.

On today’s clinic agenda: crack their hacking fears and leave this clinic with the confidence to venture outside of the arena with their horses.

“‘Happy hacker’ is a bit of a derogatory term,” says Stephanie Brooks, an accredited Centre10 Advanced Coach, as she starts the talk. “Hacking well and with confidence takes as much skill as dressage or showjumping. You have to be aware of yourself, the horse and the environment. It’s not a small thing.”

Let’s switch up that mindset

Switching up mindset is the focus of today’s talk, and that begins by acknowledging what hacking entails. Many riders often belittle hacking and think less of thems