The big test

8 min read


TIP TOP comfort

Riding tights are a practical alternative to breeches. We review a selection to discover which pairs cut a dash in the comfort and style stakes

COMFORTABLE LEGWEAR IS essential, whether you are in the saddle or working on the yard, and riding tights have become a wardrobe staple for many equestrians. Riding tights are more similar in design to a pair of leggings, but they feature a full-grip seat or knee patches, like a pair of breeches. They are lightweight, comfortable and offer great freedom of movement. Being stretchy and pull-on in design, they will be on in a jiffy. Our panel of testers has put a selection of riding tights through their paces, assessing them for comfort and fit both in and out of the saddle, as well as considering whether they offer value for money. Read on to discover which ones came out on top for all-day comfort and great looks.

How we score: ★★★★★ Each pair of riding tights is marked out of five for fit, comfort/ performance and value for money. This gives an overall score out of 15.