The quiet countess who stole the queen’s heart

5 min read

Sophie Wessex

Yours looks at the unbreakable bond between The Countess of Wessex and her late mother-in-law, and why she’s a secret saviour of the royals…

royal memories

It’s been a tough time for the Royal Family since losing their much-loved Queen and matriarch, with King Charles himself describing her death as a moment of ‘greatest sadness’ for all his family. And it’s clear Sophie, Countess of Wessex, is feeling the loss most keenly of the woman she affectionately came to call ‘Mama’.

Sophie’s face was raw with grief as we watched her say goodbye to her mother-in-law, demonstrating the extra-special bond she shared with the monarch. A source close to the crown has said, “If you’re asking who is Her Majesty’s favourite child, it’s none of them, it’s her daughter-in-law.”

The Queen straightening Sophie’s hat before a church service in 2002; sharing a fun moment at Ascot in 2016; with The Queen and Princess Anne at the WI’s centenary – we are amused!

Their relationship was said to have grown in strength over the years, with Sophie (57) making regular visits to see her mother-in-law, as well as having regular phone catch-ups.

“They genuinely liked one another and spent a lot of time together,” says former BBC royal correspondent Jenny Bond. “They seemed to very much enjoy one another’s company. It wasn’t just about an adoration of The Queen by Sophie – it was a mutual friendship. Sophie is a very calm, kind, relaxed individual, and The Queen really appreciated those qualities.” Born to middle-class parents Chris and Mary in Kent, Sophie was educated at private schools and had a comfortable though relatively ordinary childhood with no hint of what was to come. A friend said, “She was brought up by her parents and there was going to be no free ride in her family. She wasn’t born to be the eldest daughter of a duke and duchess and find a marvellous marriage and polish her tiaras.”

Sophie and Prince Edward (58) began dating in 1993 and married in 1999 at favoured royal venue St George’s Chapel in Windsor, with Sophie wearing a diamond tiara borrowed from the Queen. In the two decades since, she has gone on to become one of the most diligent of royals, quietly getting on with her work while representing the Queen, her husband, and herself with dignity. Although inordinately fond of her quiet and reserved daughter-in-law, it’s said that the Queen’s special connection with Sophie really began to form when the countess was pregnant with Lady Louise in 2003. Sophie had already suffered a traumatic ectopic pregnancy a couple of years earlier, and then with Louise’s arrival, both she and her baby almost died.

“It’s almost unheard of for The Quee

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