It’s a real family affair!

3 min read

The Larkins are back…

As the second series of The Larkins kicks off on ITV, Pop Larkin, aka Bradley Walsh, talks about the joys of acting alongside his son Barney and filming in the Kent countryside


“I love the countryside so much I have tried to implement hay bales as seats in my own garden. This is serious; I had a look at having the local parish council round to have meetings”

Bradley Walsh is undoubtedly proud of his only son, but he doesn’t like to boast about him. On the set of The Larkins, for instance, quite a few of the newer cast members had no idea that Barney, who plays PC Harness, is actually Bradley’s son.

“They didn’t know we’re related,” Bradley laughs. “Yeah, so old Barney boy plays the local copper. He and I don’t have that many scenes together but it’s great having him in the show.

“It also makes me feel very proud when actors like Morgana Robinson, who plays the Larkin’s snooty new neighbour in this second series, tell me that working with Barney was one of her favourite scenes.

“We work together on Bradley and Barney Walsh: Breaking Dad, of course. I’m a bit jet-lagged today because we’re just back from Guatamala where Barney was trying to encourage me to jump off a mountain! and praised his “wonderful humility”, saying “He’s a great lad. I’ve said it on many occasions, he’s the person I always wanted to be. He’s got wonderful humility, he’s very sensitive. He takes after his mum, thankfully, and is much more gentle than I am.”

He tells us now, “He has always been my son, but then all of a sudden he’s your equal and a work colleague – and a mate – and someone you respect.”

It's rumoured that the father and son duo will be presenting rebooted entertainment show, The Gladiators, later this year, but Bradley’s not saying. He wants to talk about the second series of The Larkins.

“Mariette and Charlie have gone off on their extended honeymoon around Europe – Pop and Ma Larkin are happy for them but sad that the family’s not together.

“Their younger daughter, Primrose, is growing up and has a bit of a love interest. Then there’s the snobby, middle-class couple –the Jerobohms – who have moved in next door. Pop’s not having any of their stuck-up ways and a real class warfare thing goes on between them. The wife – Pinkie – thinks she’s got Pop just where she wants him but she hasn’t, of course.”

Best mates: Bradley and son Barney. Left: with Joanna Scanlon as Ma and Pa Larkin and below, Bradley as the village policeman

It sounds like a hoot and Bradley (62) agrees that it doesn’t feel like work. “Here’s the thing I tell every young actor...if you enjoy the job you do, you will neve

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