
1 min read

your stars

JAN 23 – FEB 5

Astrologer Lynne Ewart predicts what’s in store for you this fortnight


Your outlook could be shifting, maybe due to what you are shedding, getting free of, that’s making life feel lighter.

■ For a weekly update call 09044 705708


Much is slotting into place for you, plans racing ahead, connections that seem tailor made, maybe even heaven sent.

■ For a weekly update call 09044 705709


A new direction is opening up, either personally or professionally, perhaps both, and a team effort works well.

■ For a weekly update call 09044 705710


There’s a lovely warmth coming around the ties that mean most, and you’ll feel respected for your advice or expertise.

■ For a weekly update call 09044 705711


New possibilities are opening up, stirring you to go after prized ambitions and maybe even surprising yourself.

For a weekly update call 09044 705700


What recently seemed impossible now feels like it fits, with something clicking into place right where it helps most.

■ For a weekly update call 09044 705701

If it’s your birthday this fortnight...

You are born under Aquarius, the water bearer, gifted with broad vision, a natural ability to see where things are leading, and therefore often quite politically aware. You are friendly, a marvellous confidante, attracted to originality, to creativity and to quick-witted characters.

Famous Aquarians celebrating this fortnight include Lisa Snowdon, Neil Diamond, Princess Charlene of Monaco, Tony Blackburn and Oprah Winfrey (both pictured).



There is more power to your elbow somehow, as tho

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