Guilty party

8 min read

WIN £500!

This is a cosy crime mystery with a difference – where you’re the detective! Read the story and then use your powers of deduction to identify the killer, their method and the motive for a chance to win £500!

The quiet of the hotel was interrupted by an ear‐piercing scream.

Guests gathered at the bedroom door where their hostess was pointing to the prone figure on the floor.

“He’s dead! Dead! Donald is dead!” Tara breathlessly exclaimed.

He was fully clothed and there was no obvious sign of injury. Everyone was at a loss to imagine what had happened.

When the police arrived 20 minutes later and the detective began questioning the party goers, and the whole sorry tale came tumbling out…

* * *

The instant Donald entered the house he sensed that something was amiss. As he cautiously opened the kitchen door a Champagne cork exploded like a gunshot. He ducked as the cork narrowly missed him, which drew laughter from his wife, Tara.

“Now, now, there’s no need to be so jumpy,” she admonished, handing him a glass of Champagne.

Donald accepted it with good grace. “What are we celebrating?” he asked.

“Your birthday, of course,” Tara replied.

“But that’s next week.”

“I know, silly. But special birthdays require special planning, which is why I’ve decided to give you your first gift a little early.”

With that, Tara presented her husband with an envelope.

Intrigued, Donald slit the envelope open and withdrew a blood red card. He toyed with the card, momentarily, then opened it. Much to his delight, it was an invitation to a murder mystery weekend, which was to be held in his honour at an exclusive Cotswold hotel.

“What a wonderful surprise!” Donald enthused. “I can’t wait!”

Tara smiled, a wolfish grin, “Neither can I.”

* * *

They arrived at the hotel just after lunch. As they made their way to the check-in desk a cheery voice greeted them. “Fancy seeing you here!”

Donald froze. He’d recognise that voice anywhere. He felt his shoulders stiffen as he turned to see his brother, Sebastian, heading towards them. Forcing himself to smile, Donald held out a hand for his brother to shake.

They greeted one another with ill-disguised suspicion. Brotherly love was an alien concept to Donald and Sebastian. Although they were never close, since their late father had left his entire estate to Donald, Sebastian had become consumed by jealousy. “So, the big four-o,” Sebastian drawled. “Feeling your age?”

“Not particularly.”

They greeted one another with ill-disguised suspicion

“I must say, you’re looking well.” Sebastian said, sounding disappointed.

“It’s my new health regime,” Donald explained. “My fitness trainer swears by it.”

“Complete waste o

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