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your letters

Our pick of your best letters, pictures & wise words…


£10 cheque for every letter published

A TV gem

♦ Blue Peter is the longest running children’s TV show in the world, having been broadcast since 1958. I remember watching it when I was six, in 1961. I loved it, and entered all the competitions – not that I ever won any! There aren’t many programmes you can say to a grandmother, a mother and a child, “Do you know this show?” and they all do. I still watch it with my grandchildren, and we love the current presenters. Blue Peter should carry on for ever!

Waste not want not

♦ I’m like a child when my Yours magazine arrives, in its nice white envelope. I say to my husband, “Oh goodie, Yours has come, kettle on.” I carefully open the envelope, get rid of any bits with print on, then get out my scissors and cut the rest up for my shopping lists. No waste!

Lovely lippy

♦ I was wondering if anyone remembers Tangee Lipstick? It was all I wore as a teenager (I’m 85 now). It was an orange-looking lipstick, that looked lovely and natural on your lips. I wonder if you can still buy it anywhere?

A great yarn

♦ I just wanted to show you the amazing work of Hull Community Knitting Group. Last month, we yarnbombed a Humber NHS Dementia Unit, to promote Dementia Action Week coinciding with D-Day 80. I set up the group voluntarily 10 years ago and we celebrate in July with a Forties Tea Party, with all proceeds going to the Oncology Unit at Castle Hill Hospital, Hull. Over the years we’ve raised thousands of pounds, which we’ve donated to local charities. The ladies who come to the group have made new friendships and feel valued. We are much more than a knitting group!

Paris in the spring

♦ I so enjoyed reading the Yours travel article about Paris (issue 453). I have three holiday memories of the city. The first time, when I was six, my main fascination was my first view of a bidet at the hotel! The second time was a secondary school trip at 16, when young Parisian men gave all the girls red roses. I was besotted! Th

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