The view from yours

2 min read

Our round-up of the funny, fascinating and unusual stories this fortnight

Helen with co-star Amanda Barrie in 1991

Gail’s golden goodbye

Actress Helen Worth has taken us on a roller coaster ride over Corrie’s cobbles for 50 golden years. During that time, which she says has “flown by”, we’ve seen her iconic character married five times, widowed, divorced, kidnapped and almost drowned.

All that drama must be exhausting, so let’s hope that Helen (73) enjoys a well-earned retirement when she leaves Weatherfield for good next month.

If rumours are to be believed, her exit looks set to be an emotional affair.

She’s sure to be missed

A true health hero

By advising us how to eat well, sleep better and live longer, Dr Michael Mosley made us all sit up and listen. Through his television and radio programmes, tireless research, books and podcasts, he transformed thousands of lives and gathered millions of devoted fans.

But he wasn’t just committed to improving public health – he was also truly devoted to his wife, Dr Clare Bailey, and to his four children. Since his tragic death on the Greek island of Symi, Michael’s loss has been mourned around the world. He was a true health hero, and he will be very much missed. Rest in peace Dr Mosley, you and your advice will not be forgotten.

The draw of Mr Darcy

Chatsworth House has become the most popular TV and movie location in Britain. The chances are you’ve enjoyed the Derbyshire stately home in the 2005 film adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice, or you might have seen it in TV drama Death Comes to Pemberley. According to research by Slingo, a gaming company, the second most popular location is Tobermory (Balamory) followed by Holmfirth (Last of the Summer Wine), Leeds Castle (The Hollow Crown) and Barry Island (Gavin & Stacey).


A booming trend in vintage confectionery is seeing collectors splash out large sums of money on chocolate and sweets they’ll probably never eat.

Would you pay £148 for a king-sized Mars Bar that’s way past its sell-by date, at 24 years old? Somebody did because that’s the amount it was sold for in March this year on eBay. An Aero from 1960, a Twix from 1988 and a Milky Way from 1994 have also commanded large sums on the site.

Studies suggest collectors are motivated “by a desire to preserve their memories, achieve their collecting goals and leave a legacy.”

A ride down m

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