Spend less, fuel more

1 min read

We might be in a cost-of-living crisis, but as triathletes you still need to fuel well. So here are four budget-friendly, post-training recipes…


As we’re all too aware, as triathletes, there are many demands on our money, so anything that makes it stretch a little further must be a good thing, right? With that in mind, this month I’ve devised four recipes to really give you bang for your buck. First up, Tagliatelle with roasted onions and tomatoes, harissa and crispy bacon. Onions cost next to nothing. Slow-roast them and they morph into caramelised delectableness. The same goes when you roast cheap, normally tasteless tomatoes. Pop them in the oven before a training ride, then once you’re back simply toss them and all their juices into your pasta, add harissa for even more depth of flavour and top with crispy bacon for a nicely balanced, highly nutritious and sustaining meal for four for around £1 a portion.

Next, this simple and speedy Omelette with peas, potato, mushrooms and feta is a regular midweek feature in our house. Packed with great quality protein to help muscle recovery, we love it when we get home from the gym, often late evening. Keep a family pack of peas in the freezer as they’re a great source of vitamin C, fibre and minerals such ►

as potassium, magnesium and calcium. And they’re super cheap, too!

You need to work a bit for this

Sweet potato gnocchi with tomato sauce, but this is a delicious and very satisfying way

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