Be Kind Magazine
16 April 2020
Hello, What a weird few weeks it’s been! As I write this, we’re amidst the coronavirus outbreak and life as we know it is quite different. With only essential trips outside of the house allowed, I’m propped up at my living room table as I work from home. The spread of the virus is unlike anything I’ve ever known, causing businesses, lives and plans to be put on hold for the time being. Everything is a little uncertain and we’re all feeling uneasy, worried and scared. But one thing I pride this magazine on is its ability to find the positives in life. While none of us are sure when all this will end, I do know that when we all pull together amazing things can happen. Hope, love, kindness and friendship know no boundaries, and my heart has been warmed at the amount of good I’ve witnessed – from those who are doing the shopping for their elderly neighbours to communities all singing together from their windows in a bid to raise spirits. If you look for the positives, you’ll most certainly find them. And talking of good news, we’ve now made the move to become a digital publication. We hope this will help us to reach more of you from the touch of a button. Alongside Be Kind, you will now receive three other titles for free, to inspire, entertain and motivate you each month. This issue, we’re talking about the importance of education – looking back on the fantastic teachers from our past, exploring the various ways to inform our little ones about climate change, as well as discussing the different forms of learning, whether that’s via films or activism. We hope it will prove eye-opening for you. Have a good month and stay safe, Georgia-May Editor
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