Can a ‘sleep divorce’ really save your marriage?

2 min read

bella debate

A recent study suggests one in six couples opt for separate beds…

Photos: Shutterstock,


I love sleep! I also miss sleep. As a mum of two, the good old days when I could lounge under the duvet past 7am feel like a fever dream. Instead, one of my sons wakes the whole house up at actual dawn and that’s it, we’re up and off, ticking our way through the day’s to do list.

So, it’s perhaps no surprise that come the evening, curling back up in bed again is one of my favourite times of day. My husband Olly and I head to bed at the same time and we’ll spend a little time chatting about everything and anything. To me, this time is like a full stop at the end of the day. There’s no one I’d rather spend it with. It gives us the chance to reconnect, to decompress and simply be together after yet another busy day.

Olly and I have been married for ten years, together for 16, and he’s my best friend as well as my life partner.

There is, of course, one major difference between friends and lovers. I’ll keep this PG, but sharing a bed together enables the intimacy that allows us to be both of those things.

That’s not to say there aren’t the occasional hiccups Sometimes he snores. Sometimes he incorrectly claims that I snore. Sometimes we’re ill and keep each other up by coughing all night. But even then, I wouldn’t dream of sleeping elsewhere. Because as much as I love sleep, I also appreciate how important sharing a bed is to our relationship. It means that we’re there for each other. We are by each other’s side no matter what.


My husband Gaz and I slept in the same bed for 12 years. I

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