Snack yourself slim

3 min read

better body

Life without a treat would be boring – here we reveal some delicious and healthy ideas to stop those sugar cravings

If you love snacking, but your waistline and health not so much, then we’ve got great news! You definitely can enjoy snacks, whether you’re giving your diet a shake up or you’re on a lower calorie intermittent fasting plan, by making your own with healthier and natural ingredients. For inspiration check out the fabulous new book The Fast 800 Treats Recipe Book by Dr Claire Bailey and Kathryn Bruton. “This book is about celebrating and savouring indulgent and satisfying healthy treats. Whether sweet or savoury, my hope is that every treat will be a joy to make, eat and share with all the family,” says Dr Clare Bailey. It reveals treats that are low in sugar and carbs, and high in protein, fibre and taste. They won’t send your blood sugar levels soaring, so won’t put you on the hunger and craving roller coaster like processed snacks can do. In fact, they can help satisfy your sweet tooth – perfect to help you on your weight-loss journey.

NB. If you are pregnant, breast feeding or have a medical condition please seek professional advice before changing your diet.

Words: Julia Smurthwaite. Photos: Shutterstock


Here are three of our favourite recipes from the book. Perfect as a snack, when you’ve got a lot time between meals, to stop cravings in their tracks!


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