‘i feel fabulous in a swimsuit!’

3 min read

real life

Shelly Willetts, 53, lost 3st and has never looked back

After I left school at 18 and got my first job working for the local council, I started putting on weight. My schedule was unpredictable, and I’d spend most of the day driving around, stopping at petrol stations for bars of chocolate and crisps.

As a result, that year I was diagnosed with high cholesterol.

My grandmother died of a heart attack in her late 50s and my dad had one in his 30s, so I knew I had to take action.

The doctor told me I might have to take statins to lower my cholesterol, but losing weight would work just as well.

Wanting to avoid medication, I vowed to lose a few pounds. I lost a little bit, but in 2000 when I fell pregnant with my daughter Ellie, old habits crept back in.

My cravings for roast chicken crisps spiralled out of control and I’d eat a couple of bags a day, but justified it by telling myself I was eating for two. I’d start the day with lashings of peanut butter on thick, white toast before polishing off a few biscuits before midday.

With her family before she lost the weight
She feels so much healthier

At work, my office desk was next to the canteen and the aroma of freshly-baked sausage rolls drifted in every lunchtime and was hard to resist. For dinner I’d often rely on the Chinese and Indian takeaways which were conveniently opposite the house.

In March 2001, my husband Paul, a Royal Navy Warrant Officer, came home from work with exciting news. “They’ve asked us to relocate to Portugal for three years,” he said.

It was an amazing opportunity, but instead of excitement, a feeling of dread washed over me. “I can’t go looking like this!” I said.

I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror while fully clothed, let alone while wearing a bikini on a crowded beach! I weighed 12st 7lbs and, at a size 16, I didn’t feel comfortable or confident.

Desperate not to let it ruin our adventure, I went to see my mum for advice — she’d been a Slimming World consultant for 27 years and urged me to try it.

Before my first group, I worried about what everyone would think of me – but as soon as I walked through the door, I was met with a bunch of smiling faces.

She vowed to lose weight

As I met the other members, I quickly realised we were all here for the same reason and they were totally supportive.

I learnt about Slimming World’s Food Optimising plan — I was surprised to learn I could still fill up on some of my favourites like potatoes, pasta and fruit, so I could still enjoy family meals like a Sunday roast.

I’d have to ditch calorific takeaways, but I replaced them with homemade fish and chips, which tasted just as good.

I started losing a few pounds a week and, five months later, in Jul

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