Here come the girls?

1 min read

As the slimmed-down Royal Family weather a turbulent time, could it be Beatrice and Eugenie’s moment to shine?


With the Princess of Wales still out of action – the rumour is that King Charles is considering asking the York sisters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, to step up to the plate and assist with some upcoming Royal duties.

While Beatrice, 35, and Eugenie, 34, are non-working Royals, they are both heavily involved in charities and have often been seen at Royal occasions.

If indeed, as is the rumour, Beatrice in particular (whose daughter Sienna is now four, while Eugenie’s sons August and Ernest are aged three and one) will be seen at more events, it will be a sign that the sisters may be about to be welcomed as more dependable members of The Firm.

In the past, the public perception has been that they were somewhat lightweight, although it’s possible opinion has been coloured by their parents’ various controversies over the decades.

Indeed, life can’t have always been easy for the sisters, who were tiny when Sarah and Andrew separated in 1992.

After that, they had to weather the storm of their mother being involved in a number of scandals, and effectively being ostracised from the Royal family.

They also had personal mountains to climb. Beatrice was diagnosed as dyslexic, aged seven, while Eugenie underwent surgery for spinal scoliosis aged 12.

And of course, the serious scandal surrounding Prince Andrew must have been particularly hard to bear.

It was

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