‘you’ve done this before’

1 min read

best for PSYCHICS

Do you believe in the spirit world? best columnist, past lives expert David Wells, confirmed what Coral from Mid Glamorgan suspected might have happened in her previous lives…

Psychic David is here for best readers
Coral [right] with a friend
Was there a tribal link in Coral’s past?

World-renowned past lives Wells answers your questions. This week, he’s chosen Coral O’Neill, 57, a medically retired receptionist who lives in Mid Glamorgan and is supported by a close circle of friends

I was born in the spiritualist church and have always been intuitive and empathetic. I’ve long-since found past lives and reincarnation fascinating and like the idea that when people pass on, their spirit and essence doesn’t just disappear. I’ve had a few visions – or feelings – about my past lives and although I’ve had a psychic reading, I’ve never had a past lives reading before. Having followed David’s career for many years, I was excited to hear what he had to say.

Coral in her younger days
David suggested Coral could try growing geraniums
A jaguar was seen as Coral’s spirit guide

How did you feel afterwards?

The reading left me feeling warm and calm. There was something very reassuring about knowing that I lived previously, that I’d done this all before and could handle whatever might be thrown my way in this life.

It’s fur

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