Not so bridgt

2 min read

`The man I met for coffee never called. It took about 10 days for the penny to drop that he wasn’t going to but when it did, I laughed.

Why laugh? Well, it may seem daft or just plain vain, but the entire time I had been considering if I was really going to make things work with a man with a classical music obsession or wait around while he skied – he had already decided I wasn’t up to the job.

Good for him. Why waste time? The following weekend, I so Bridget…+ went to stay with a girlfriend near Weymouth. I love a beach walk.

Recounting my latest dating tales, she decided I should join Telegraph Dating.

A better calibre of person, she informed me. Judgy… but as Darcy says, you must be in the game to win it.

So, we sat down and I answered all the questions while she typed and explained: ‘You have to take this seriously. It’s like applying for a job. Keep going until you find the right one. Your CV needs to be attractive.’

She then chose my pictures and I parted with almost £100 in my latest search for true love.

How’s it going ? I really wouldn’t know. Someone hacked my account the next day and I haven’t been able to get on to the site regardless of my emails and calls. Getting a human to speak to just isn’t possible these days, is it?

Let’s see if I’ve

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