Please don’t hurt aaden

4 min read

Adrianne Oyola thought her son would be safe with his father...

Although Adrianne Oyola had a troubled relationship with her son’s father, she tried her best to co-parent with him amicably.

Adrianne had known Tony Moreno since she was 13 years old and began dating when she was just 16.

They moved in together, and at 18 she fell pregnant.

But pregnancy changed their relationship, and by the time baby Aaden was born in November 2014, things were strained.

Tony wanted the pair to tie the knot – but Adrianne wasn’t keen.

And when she refused Tony’s marriage proposal in June 2015, when Aaden was around six months old, he wasn’t happy.

A doting mum

The relationship broke down, and Adrianne was scared of Tony – she was even granted a temporary restraining order against him, in place from 17 to 29 June.

She claimed Tony had acted violently towards her, often slapping her and calling her ‘ugly’ and ‘stupid’ – she said he even told her he ‘could make my son disappear anytime of the day...he could make me disappear...he could kill me’.

So on 29 June, Adrianne applied for an extension of the restraining order. But Superior Court Judge Barry Pinkus denied her request – ruling that the pair needed to ‘figure out’ their relationship for Aaden’s sake, and ‘grow up and deal with each other as adults’.

‘I’m just not convinced that there’s a continuous threat of present physical pain or physical injury,’ he added.

Still, she wouldn’t stop Aaden from seeing his dad – despite his threats, she was sure he’d never do anything to harm him, and the pair agreed a custody plan.

Despite their troubles, their son was their main priority.

And on 5 July 2015, it was Tony’s turn to have their baby boy – Adrianne expected to see him again on Tuesday 7 July.

Making the most of her free time, Adrianne spent the evening with friends.

But at 11.18pm on Sunday night, she got a text from Tony.

I really need to talk to you...there was a problem regarding our son, he wrote.

Worried, Adrianne quickly replied to ask what was going on and the pair exchanged increasingly frantic messages.

You’ll see later...just remember I tried to contact you first, Tony told Adrianne cryptically. Just remember you wanted to play games and lie and be childish when I tried to reach out.

Shutting the conversation down, Adrianne told Tony she’d speak to him on Monday or Tuesday. But his next reply gave her cause for concern.

No you won’t... you won’t talk to me tomorrow or any other day. Tuesday is my day, she quickly replied. There is no more days Adrianne, Tony wrote back to her. Enjoy your new life without us.

Tony’s terrifying texts

Adrianne’s mess

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