
2 min read

The advice you need

Finding balance

I was all out of whack!

Now I’m full of life and energy

Jessica Green, 50, Sevenoaks

Dragging myself into the office, I struggled to gear myself up for another busy day in the corporate world.

It was 2013 and, in my prime at 39, I felt more like a little old lady.

Suffering brain fog, exhaustion, food sensitivities and chronic gut-health issues.

I was gaining weight despite exercising and eating healthily.

I’d even had gout. When a lump appeared on my neck in 2014 I went to the doc.

It was a goitre – swelling caused by a swollen thyroid.

Losing my hair was upsetting

‘I’ll look into natural remedies,’ I told my husband Christer, then 37.

Only, then my hair started falling out.

It was alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease causing patchy hair loss.

When my mum died later that year, the emotional stress worsened it and I lost most of my hair.

‘I’m shaving the rest off,’ I told Christer.

Wearing a wig was a wake-up call.

Through consultations with nutritionists and naturopaths, I discovered I was filled with environmental toxins, loaded with heavy metals.

Tests showed I’d been exposed to toxic mould, and chronic stress was wrecking my hormones. It was throwing my body out of balance.

I was already taking supplements to deal with my food sensitivities and gut issues after tests revealed they were down to candida overgrowth, depleted B vitamins, low magnesium.

I was given protocols – supplements taken in a certain order and dosage for a period – for the parasites, heavy metals and moulds.

Also did a liver cleanse and IV nutrient therapy.

Naturally rebalanced my whole body.

A year later, I ditched the wig.

My neck lump shrunk and my other symptoms were easing, too.

When I gave birth to Georgia, in June 2016, my hair was

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