‘we lost 8st after a panic attack in the supermarket!’

4 min read


Chloe Carroll’s size started impacting her health – but her sibling was there to help change her life every step of the way… 

When Chloe Carroll went to her local supermarket during the pandemic in 2020, she stood in the aisles with her heart racing and struggled to catch her breath.

As her sister, Gabrielle, tried to calm her down, Chloe told her she was worried about being surrounded by so many people with Covid cases on the rise. But the truth behind Chloe’s panic attack was very different – she was in fact embarrassed after gaining weight during lockdown, and feared other shoppers were judging her trolley filled with sugary snacks.

It was the turning point in her struggle with her weight and soon after, with the support of Gabrielle – who also wanted to get healthier – the pair lost an incredible 8st between them.

Chloe says, “I feel like a new woman! I’m so much happier and healthier. And I couldn’t be more grateful to my sister. She was there for me on that dark day and has been by my side on this weight-loss journey. She’s my biggest cheerleader and I couldn’t have done it without her.”


Growing up, Chloe was often referred to as the “bigger sister”, which took a toll. She recalls, “I’d joke about my size and overcompensate by being loud and funny. But deep down, it bothered me.”

Chloe, who lives in Dagenham, Essex, went on to meet her partner, Shay. In 2016, the couple welcomed their daughter Beau, now seven, and they got married in February 2020. In preparation for the big day, Chloe joined a slimming club and lost 2st, taking her to 14st, but it wasn’t enough to be able to fit into her dress comfortably.

Chloe, 32, recalls, “I was determined to get into my size

14 gown, but it needed to be taken out. I should have felt beautiful, but instead I cried because I hated my body. That was the story of my life.”

The couple went on honeymoon to Mexico and when they returned, the country had gone into lockdown. Cooped up at home, Chloe gained 4st in six months. She says, “I spent my days baking cakes. I’d get through a packet of chocolate digestives every day, and in the evening, I’d order two tubs of Ben &Jerry’s ice cream for £15 from Deliveroo. Lockdown suited me well as I could hide indoors and not face the reality that my clothes didn’t fit me anymore.”

But then, in July 2020, she had the panic attack in Tesco – something she’d never experienced before. Chloe recalls, “I thought everyone was looking at me and what was in my trolley. I asked Gabrielle to sort my shopping, then I ran into the car park in tears. When Gabrielle found me, she believed my lie that I was worried about Covid.”


Chloe knew she had to make a big change, especially as medical professionals at the

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